We need a little bit of help to continue to grow the flowers next year!

Have you seen how the plantings are changing each season? Our goal is to brighten up the bridge and provide a scenic place to lunch or take photos.

The Bridge of Flowers was established in Noblesville as an urban park on a 20 ft wide space of the Logan Street bridge over the White River. The City and County used funds to split the cost of constructing benches, pergolas, and raised flower beds equipped with irrigation. But we local Noblesville business donate to cover the cost of the flowers. That’s where you come in.

A permanent donor wall has been constructed with money raised to recognize those businesses and individuals at one end of the bridge. These donors will be displayed for 3-5 years so hundreds of people can see who helped fund this beautification project.

We, the father & daughter duo Dick and Sylvia Gordon, along with our wonderful committee members would like to ask for your monetary support and help us spread the word and refer any other individuals or businesses that you think would like to receive this recognition. We have a 501(c)3 certification with IRS to assist in tax deductibility.

This web page show the different levels of contributions. If you would prefer to make your contribution by check (saving us the credit card processing fees), please contact Dave Riddle directly at (317) 697-0163.

We also now have beautiful $25 fundraising t-shirts available in an effort to assist in this cause. If you want to order numerous shirts for you employees or as gifts, contact Dave Ridle at (317) 697-0163.

Your neighbors,

Dick Gordon & Sylvia Gordon









